Kevin Sabo is a painter (b. 1992) from Virginia Beach, VA (USA) and currently based in Richmond, VA (USA). He trained and studied art throughout his youth and graduated with a BFA in Studio Art from James Madison University in 2015. His paintings are typically multi-media - acrylic, ink, spray, collage work that is largely based around the figure, often playing with character and fashion. Themes of queer identity, satire, existential revelations can be spotted throughout his expressive work. Sabo describes his paintings as large sketches, as they are never pre-determined ahead of the end result.
“My paintings are my drag. Colors and patterns are my joy, and jagged lines are my pain. Each time I enter the studio, I play dress up inside the compositions I invent. These busty babes know all my past secrets, and their pursed lips hold my untold future.”
- Kevin Sabo